Sarah’s Lightbulb Moment
Sarah was encouraged to join Bramber Bakehouse through her family support worker. Sarah has lived through immense challenges, including many years of domestic abuse. Despite these negative experiences, she remains committed to creating a brighter future for herself and her children.
Bramber Bakehouse marked a pivotal moment in Sarah’s journey – creating a safe space to experience belonging and empowerment whilst continuing to walk towards healing and restoration. The combination of baking, wellbeing support and forward planning played a vital role in Sarah’s positive experience.
“I definitely had nerves and also some excitement,” Sarah shared. “The environment and people were so warm and welcoming. It put all [my] nerves at bay.”
Asked how taking part in the programme at Bramber Bakehouse made her feel, Sarah shared that she felt “like I was definitely a valued member of the team – everyone valued each other. There was space to just feel like you felt, whatever was going on. You were well supported by the other women and the Bramber Bakehouse team as well. We were all united as one, despite any differences.”
Sarah reflected on how her confidence blossomed during the programme. “I’ve kept the sheet we did with messages from the other women and Bramber Bakehouse staff in my bedroom as a reminder to believe in myself like others do – I look at it every day,” she said.
The wellbeing sessions, led by a skilled facilitator, enable women to reflect, process and learn about the tools needed to manage their mental health & wellbeing.
“For me, the course was somewhere where the learning about self care I have done before came together. All the pieces came together towards the end of the course. It was a lightbulb moment where I recognised the achievements I’d made over the last few years and on the course and felt euphoric.
It was so much more than baking. Baking is something practical that helps with your mental health more than you can imagine and the wellbeing side really ties it all together.”
Sarah admitted that one of her biggest challenges is “believing in myself” but shares that she “found that belief in [herself] thanks to others finding that belief and sharing.”
We loved witnessing Sarah’s gentle way of encouraging and empowering other women. She is naturally kind and nurturing, and by sharing her thoughtful insights on her own recovery and wellbeing with others, this helped her see for herself how far she’d come.
Sarah has continued to benefit from Bramber Bakehouse’s ongoing support, recently attending a CV writing workshop, co-created with our friends at Wellcombe Group.
At the end of the session she said “I feel confident and ready”.
Asked about her hopes for the future, Sarah shares “If you have that belief, the future is so open with opportunity, whatever your goals are and whatever you want – when you have that confidence…it really came together for me.”
For women considering joining Bramber Bakehouse, Sarah had this to say: “I think if I had read all the information, I wouldn’t believe it could happen to me, that it would be so magical – it was so much more than just baking.”
We applaud Sarah for her bravery and ability to keep stepping forwards, towards a brighter future for herself and her family. We look forward to seeing all Sarah will continue to nurture in herself and others in the coming months and years.

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